
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pallet gardens

Hi my name is Daniel teacher about pallet gardens

step 1. Get a Pallet
step 2. From the top take the one under it down and then keep on repeating it
step 3. What you talk off put it under the lease what you didn't take off
step 4.  sand it
step 5. paint it

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The green team

                                                                                                                                                                                                 The green team  

The green team came over to school(9:28) we went on the court to watch the play about recycle (about the play) the characters Cinderella,fairy godmother, silly and dilly,step-mum, recycle. It was ilminster who was doing the play.recycle not recycling throwing rubbish down the pipes and Cinderella caught him dumping rubbish in the pipes even the old dress. We went around on the court to watch the play