
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

voki character

This is my DLO in my Voki character click the Vokey character if you want to create your own and if you want anything watch my video hope you like it

Monday, October 12, 2020

2020 math grid

This is my turn 4 maths grid.I still need to get better at going fast and getting My hundreds I still need to practice my times tables I hope you like it

Friday, September 25, 2020

Market day

On Tuesday we had l our market day we were fundraising money to the SPCA because they were struggling to get money. 4 rotations around the school .We raised 370 dollars. We were rabbit treats dog treats horse treats and bird feeders or you can make your own bird feeders. We even  lambs cat and a dog.
my five dog my dogs really really like dog treats I bought for them

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 this is our team policy it has a statement of Purpose definition and guidelines/rules. Other teams did different policies.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Goals of the week

  my goals of the week term 3. and this is our holiday and our reflection off this quote.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Rocket work

So every day we do this rocket challenge and I am the mission control this is our group in the star rocket.we've been doing this for 3 days I think. This is my group iyve Isabella Rose Raff Dylan.
We have a nose cone another bottle

Friday, June 5, 2020


 I've been doing this report for 2 days all about facts about hippos special skin that goes under the water and in the sun they have to go in the water so they protect their special skin

Thursday, May 28, 2020


This is my profile for Ted lab.I spent one day on this.It was kind of hard but not really
I hope you like it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Maths Grid 2020

I am Daniel with my maths grid.I need to practice on my 20 and 11 and 8 times tables I need more practice my times tables. I am not here for some grids because I'm with Mrs Mills

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Natural Leaf Art

I got an idea from my mums tattoos. They are called mandala. They look like patterns made out of flowers.

I felt creative and I liked collecting the leaves with my sister. The challenging part was making it. The leaves wouldn't sit flat so I asked mum if she could help and iron them out.

Andy Goldsworthy:
I like that he only uses natural stuff. I like his stone art and how he makes it balance.
His artwork makes me feel great because he doesn't use any man made stuff. That means he doesn't make any rubbish.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

World War 2

3 20 1940
We have been busy.It's hard to be in ses but it's fine because we're saving our kids.
we have had staff meeting quite recently.We have six job we have training division,child division,
safe escape plans,suppliers,time  train track,billet recruitment service.

time train track they is three trains that one is so risky to head for. To trains have forcarriages what holds 50 seats in each carriage on the risky train at his holds 10 carriages with 50 seats

our company is called SES Abbey Road ph 867394020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stingray Feeding

Hi my name is Daniel. I have some news about Makaraka school.Year 5 and 6 Went to Whanagara. They had to pack before the day and they left at 7:30. First they went stingray feeding. They put waders on And they went down to the water the Owner's drawing a Pictures of the different types of stingrays they had to line up Before Going in the biggest one there was tara definitely don't want to go in there without a waiter the feed the stingrays Was optional.Fish swimming around Theme After a little bit they had to get out the stingrays Were following them
But these stingrays couldn't get out  of The water. When they got up they had to take the waiters on Thursday of the week in the water and then they talked the waders off. That's it for this news.

Thank you letter

Danny Bekman
137 Main Rd

February 25, 2020

921 ngakarea

Dear Ange, 

Thank you for helping with the camp. Thank you for helping with the sculptures. 
Thank you for helping with the Amazing Race and doing the dice games. Thank you 
for giving us a ride in the trailer. 

I loved the Amazing Race. I enjoyed running up the hill. I also enjoyed eating the marshmallows. We came 5th! I also enjoyed running down the hill because I went fast but we had to stop as other people were going slow. 

Thank you for helping us with diving. I enjoyed this because you drove us all the way down the beach in the trailer. Thank you for encouraging me to snorkel down the river mouth because I was too scared that I was going to be pulled out to sea. 

Yours sincerely,

this is my thank you letter when I was on camp

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How Good Am I At My Math

on Wednesday we were writing owl times tables on a Google sheet it is a 10x10 math grid only have 6 minutes to do it.The first one we did I got 38 on the second one I got 45.

I'm trying to beat my teacher 2 minutes and 45 seconds.We only have one year to do it

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Prank Kings

  this is our camp skit and I am excited for camp because it's my first cam and I'm excited for the play . I'm going to tell you what I'm doing. We were going to be at school at 7:30 in the morning at 9:30 we are going stingray feeding. Emily we're going down past my house until the die and we have a special place with the boys are sleeping. Bye guys see you next time I publish

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Writing border

this is my writing border I'm near my class Pole is tawrimatea and the bike track.
I like dog And Slenderman

Monday, February 3, 2020


I am Daniel and I'm learning how to do strength it's a reflections 
in the first box it's about trust everybody. In the second box I'm using myself
we are writing about the thing on the top left